Water and Sewer Department
Utility Superintendent: James Russo
Business Number: 802-485-7355
Fax: 802-485-8426
Email: jrusso@northfield.vt.us
Physical Location: Mailing Address:
Wastewater Treatment Facility Northfield Municipal Building
242 Dog River Drive 51 South Main Street
Northfield, VT 05663 Northfield, Vermont 05663
The Northfield Water & Sewer Department operates and maintains the Northfield Water and Wastewater Systems.
The Northfield Water System provides high-quality water to 4000 residents in Northfield. The water meets all state and federal standards. Approximately 400,000 gallons are produced each day and delivered through 25 miles of water mains.
The Northfield Wastewater System includes collection and treatment of waste to 3500 Northfield residents. The system also provides for a significant amount of storm water collection and treatment. The Wastewater System is regulated by the State of Vermont.
Please click here for information on setting up a water and/or sewer account.
Please click here for information on payment options for all Northfield utility accounts.
Please click here to view the current water and sewer rates (in effect from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025).
Please click here to view the June 2024 Consumer Confidence Report for the Northfield Water Department.

Northfield Wastewater Treatment Facility
242 Dog River Drive, Northfield, Vermont