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Northfield, Vermont  is a community of 5918 people (2020 Census) located in the heart of Vermont's Green Mountains. Home to Norwich University, the oldest private military college in the United States, Northfield is an easy ten-mile drive from Montpelier, the state's capital, and three hours from either Boston or Montreal. As such, Northfield offers easy access to both idyllic rural and culturally diverse, cosmopolitan settings.


The Town of Northfield, Vermont was chartered in 1781  and consists of 38.3 square miles.


Northfield also is home to six covered bridges, four of which are located in Northfield Falls in the northern part of town.  This includes the Slaughterhouse Road Bridge, which is off of Vermont Route 12.  Nearby on Cox Brook Road are three covered bridges in close proximity. The Stony Brook Covered Bridge, also known as the Moseley Covered Bridge, is in the south-western section of Northfield off of Vermont Route 12A. 


On July 1, 2014, the Town of Northfield and the Village of Northfield  merged to form one community with one municipal government.  Its elected legislative body is the Town Select  Board that meets in the Community Room located in the Brown Public Library (93 South Main Street) on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.

Prior to merger, the Northfield Boards of Town Selectmen and Village Trustees jointly hired Jeff Schulz to serve as Town Manager for the consolidated municipality.  To contact Manager Schulz, please call 1-802-485-9822 or fax 1-802-485-8426. To contact him by email, please click here.


Town Clerk is an elected position in Northfield and is responsible for maintaining all official town records; sending out property tax bills and recording payments; supervising elections; providing various licenses to the public; and many other duties.  The Town Clerk's Office is in the  Municipal Building, which is located at 51 South Main Street and is open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  The current Town Clerk is Kim Pedley and her phone number is 1-802-485-5421.  You also may contact her by email by clicking here.



Contact Us


51 South Main Street Northfield, VT 05663

Open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 




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